In 2014 Tim Brouk did a YouTube video remembering Dow Jones, you can find it here: Remem-bering Dow Jones. Brouk also posted more of the interview here: Zounds! Dow Jones Re-membered: (part 1), (part 2), (part 3).
By 1983 the Lafayette punk scene had simmered a bit, and Brad found himself wanting to go to grad school to study a new field called computer music. We split up the equipment we had purchased with money made in the studio, and Brad went on to Princeton University where he studied with Paul Lansky. Even-tually he became head of the computer music program at Columbia University, a position he holds to this day. I decided to keep the business, and financed replacement of a lot of the equipment that Brad had
got. Theatre was being very good to me, as I had one production performed at the Perry Street Theatre in New York, and a second production of Athol Fugard's The Island that would eventually be performed in many regional theatres around the country, culminating in a perform-ance at the Dublin Theatre Festival in Dublin Ireland. I didn't know it at the time, but Zounds Productions was about to enter a new era in 1984.
I think it was in the summer of 1984 that a local folk singer by the name of Carrie Newcomer came to me with her band, Stone Soup to see if I could help them remaster a demo tape they had made at another studio. We hit it off, and started a rela-
tionship that continues